Welcome to my webpage and a special welcome to my American relatives.
I have actively been researching my family’s history since 2010 and this webpage is the result of my work. The more I look into the past, the more I want to know and luckily there are a lot more to find out.
I am humbled by the people of our past. Their hardships and work make me feel privileged. Some life stories move me deeply.
Example life stories:
*Stina Lindström born 1791 (my mf ff m). As the youngest child she becomes an orphan at the age of 2. In the house examinations it is written about her brother Carl Fredrik Lindström (born 1783), that he had to leave the parish in 1792 and resort to begging to survive. I have not found any information about him after this. Some of you migth have him as an ancestor? I would very much like to know what became of him. Look to the ancestor tree for source.
*My grandmother’s (farmor) aunt Hedvig Elisabeth Johnson b. Larsson (born 1885). As a girl she lived in the poorhouse in Vaxholm, northeast of Stockholm, Sweden. She emigrated to America in 1909, settled down and raised a family in the United States. Every year for our birthdays me, my cousins and other relatives received a birthday card with one dollar bill from her. I am her sisters great grandchild born in 1954! What gifts she gav us! We realise this even more after learning more about her history.
If you click the link ”släktdatabas” you find my grandmother ( fathers mother) Anna Elisabeth Johansson. She is daughter of Olga Larsson and Olga is Hedvig Elisabeth’s sister. Aunt Lisa as we call her.
Enjoy the trip among your ancesters!
Perhaps this inspires you to learn Swedish?
Lena Hansson born 1954 at södra BB in Stockholm, Sweden

Anna Lovisa Hedstrom born in 1864. 90 years old on the photo when she carries me to the baptism in Dec. 1954.

Hedvig Elisabeth Johnson born Larsson in 1885